Sunday, December 25, 2005

My first christmas

Oh Boy does Santa LOVE me! I got so many toys it was unbelievable! I must have been the best boy in the world! I love opening presents and stockings and getting all new stuff. I think my favorite was the ball pit Santa brought. I don't want to ever get out of it!

Monday, December 05, 2005


Check out our baby cheetah. Just before Thanksgiving we dressed Brayden up as cheetah and he killed our bird (chicken dance Elmo) for dinner. The first picture is the best roar we could get.

Who loves Santa?

Not Brayden...not yet anyway. We took Brayden to the mall to see Santa today. He smiled Santa from afar, but wanted nothing to do with him when I backed up for the picture. A toy finally calmed him down long enough to get a cute picture.

Monday, November 21, 2005

check me out

We took Christmas pictures in my mom's front yard for our Christmas cards and these are a couple individual ones we took of Brayden. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Brayden Dancing

Brayden and dad were cleaning out the cooler tonight and Brayden starting dancing to the music. He was laughing and bouncing all over the kitchen. I got a couple of really great smiling pictures of him.

Austin Zoo

Brayden went to the zoo today with all of our neighbor friends. He is still too small to really enjoy the zoo, but he loved the deer and the big nelgi. All the kids had a great time, Brayden especially loved playing in the rocks at the end.

Halloween - I'm a Monkey

Our little monkey loved his first Halloween. He started the night at a costume party, where he played with all the kids. Later he joined Brett and Crystal for doorbell duty, although it never rang. We then came home to see Missy and Kari who didn't want to miss the costume. Our little monkey finally stopped monkeying around and went to bed.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Texas beats Baylor

Texas wins again! Brayden wore his lucky Ricky Williams jersey for this game. I think it helped seal the shut-out. By the end of the game Brayden learned touchdown. He can put both arms up and make the signal when we say it, then he claps and giggles.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Brayden loves pumpkins! He had so much fun at the pumpkin patch today. He crawled all around the pumpkins and stood on some of them, he even wanted to eat one. He is getting so big and we are sure he is going to be walking soon.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Texas vs. OU

We made the trip to Dallas again this year, but this time with better results. There are no pictures of Brayden at the game because Erin's mom was so nice and watched him for us. Needless to say we had an awesome time. Brayden must be our good luck charm this year.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Lily dressed for Halloween

A new Halloween costume for Lily showed up on my doorstep today. It was so cute I couldn't resist putting it on her already. I know from the face she is making you think she might not like it, but she is smiling, trust me. GO WONDER WOMAN!

Monday, September 26, 2005

And now Brayden is standing!

I walked into his room and there he was holding on and smiling. Since then we have been standing up all day long. I guess he will be walking in no time. Then the fun will really begin.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Brayden is crawling

Brayden started crawling during the hurricane Rita party we were hosting at our house. He had been rocking back and forth for a couple of days and we knew he would start any day. We have baby-proofed everything in his path, although we are not sure what to do with Lily's dog food.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Texas vs. Rice

So I know Brayden wears a lot of UT garb and a lot of orange, but what do you expect from two parents that bleed orange. We took Brayden to his first longhorn game versus Rice. It was super hot but Brayden didn't seem to mind. Kari and Dave went with us to the game and helped out with holding him. We spent most of the second half in the air-conditioned alumni center.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Texas beats Ohio State!!!

Wheew, that was close. And what a game. It was so exciting that Brayden wouldn't go to sleep. It looks like the National Championship is on the way, next up OU.