I walked into his room and there he was holding on and smiling. Since then we have been standing up all day long. I guess he will be walking in no time. Then the fun will really begin.
Brayden started crawling during the hurricane Rita party we were hosting at our house. He had been rocking back and forth for a couple of days and we knew he would start any day. We have baby-proofed everything in his path, although we are not sure what to do with Lily's dog food.
So I know Brayden wears a lot of UT garb and a lot of orange, but what do you expect from two parents that bleed orange. We took Brayden to his first longhorn game versus Rice. It was super hot but Brayden didn't seem to mind. Kari and Dave went with us to the game and helped out with holding him. We spent most of the second half in the air-conditioned alumni center.
Wheew, that was close. And what a game. It was so exciting that Brayden wouldn't go to sleep. It looks like the National Championship is on the way, next up OU.