Saturday, January 12, 2008

Baseball star

Bill bought Brayden a baseball tee the other day and he is obsessed with it now. He goes out just to hit, but of course he always wants an audience so I am following him out there to cheer him on. He likes to be announced first just like in the big leagues. I am surprised at how far he can hit it and how often he connects perfectly with the ball. Here is a little video of the event.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cody is 4 months old

I feel like I just posted that Cody was 3 months, but I guess that was a whole Christmas ago. He has survived his first Christmas and his first illness. He has been sick with RSV a respiratory virus for 3 weeks now. Although we can tell that he doesn't feel well, he is still smiling and talking and just a little bit unhappy. He is feeling better this week just in time for 4 months. Here are the pictures.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Brayden's 1st camping experience

Bill is so excited to finally have a camping buddy. (My motto is, if there is someplace to sleep inside, why are we sleeping outside.) So he set up the tent and all the equipment and showed Brayden how a lantern worked. They made a fire and roasted marshmallows (Brayden's favorite part). It was really funny watching how excited they both were. I think they were all inside the house asleep by 11:30pm but it was cute.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Cody got a highchair for Christmas from Nani and PePaw and he is in love with it. Every time we sit down to dinner Cody starts crying immediately. He is only consoled by coming to the dinner table and hanging out with us. Now he has a permanent spot at the table and he couldn't be more thrilled. He can't eat anything just yet but I bet when the time comes he is as good an eater as Brayden.