We went on our annual family trip to Lake LBJ this year. It is always so much fun to see everyone and the boys LOVE playing in the water. We rented a fantastic house again this year, they keep getting better and better. The water was SUPER cold which normally would have felt good but 77 degree water with only a little sun is pretty cold. We did manage to have a lot of water fun despite the cold and the water balloons were a big hit. Cody double-fisting...we only teach the best habits.
Cody driving the boat
Cody driving the boat
When we got there Brayden walked out on the patio and jumped over a snake. I, of course, was not about to try to kill a snake (my mom would have done this without blinking but I am not so sure of myself). I had just shut Bill's fingers in a door and he was icing the swelling down, he did however manage to kill the snake one handed with a piece of wood. Despite how this sounds it was rather humorous.