Thursday, October 19, 2006

Don't take my Longhorn

Nanny and I went to the UT store at the mall today and Brayden picked up this stuffed longhorn. There was something about this particular longhorn that got him hooked and he wouldn't give it up. We tried many distractions but there was no giving in on Brayden's part. Nanny finally gave in and bought it for him and it turns out he STILL won't let go. It is his new sleeping friend and he carries it around with him like his blanket. It's a good thing his mom and dad approve.the death grip

don't take him please!

can I get anything else in this swing with me?

"dee" - Brayden's word for deer. He gets so excited to see them at Nanny and G-Daddy's house. I think it was the first time he sat still all day.

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