Thursday, November 01, 2007


Brayden was Spiderman this year for Halloween and Cody was tigger. Bray had a blast collecting candy - his favorite thing in the whole world, which makes Halloween his favorite holiday. We spent the evening in the cul-de-sac playing with all of our neighbors and friends. We ordered pizza and then set out to trick or treat. Brayden filled his entire batman candy basket and was all smiles all night.
I put up all the decorations today and he asked me "Mom, where did all the scary monsters go?" He loves monsters and all things scary, including bugs and spiders, the phrase "All boy" really does apply here. before the big candy event
kicked back and relaxed (in a princess chair)
kicked back and relaxed - as always. I know I say it a lot but, what a great baby!! The little devil phrase is a joke because Cody is the perfect angel.
ready to go!!
Brayden and Patrick just back from trick or treating

All the little kids from our street, they multiply by the day, 3 new ones in the last 2 months.
The loot.
Brayden wanted to get a better view of all his goodies so he dumped them on the ground and then began to pick and choose and eat and eat. A couple of big boys with scary masks came by while he had his candy out and he scooped it up real quick so the "monsters" couldn't get it. Then he said to me "mom are those monsters coming back?" I didn't know what he meant until he asked me a couple of times and when I said no, he dumped it all out again and started eating again.

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