Monday, July 14, 2008

Cody is crawling

Better late than never. I think Cody just needed a little more time to figure out that there were things out there that he wanted to touch and that he could actually get to without being picked up. He was also very graceful from the start, like he had been practicing in his mind what the perfect crawl would look like. He keeps his left leg a little underneath him just in case he has to sit quickly. We also learned that Cody can do the splits, the center splits like gymnasts do on the beam, Cody can do them on the floor. It is so weird to watch him go back into the splits to take a seat, I can't believe it doesn't hurt. And of course there is the smile every inch of the way.The start of the splits, boths legs at this point will shoot out to the sides so he can sit down, ouch!!Plank positionHis newest trick -sticking his tongue out.

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