Sunday, August 16, 2009

Apartment Living

Our apartment days are about to end and I am counting down the days. I can't believe we will have been here for 6 long months. It has been a big change for all of us - Bill had to go to the office, rather than work from home, the cat and the dog are confined to the apt. all day and all night, I have had to find different things for the kids to do to keep entertained and the boys have had most of their toys in storage. We managed to survive the process so far, but I can't say its been a ton of fun. Here are the 5 best things and 5 worst things about living here.

5 Best things
  1. THE POOL - I have no idea what we would have done without the pool, it has been a lifesaver. The kids have LOVED having it right across the street.
  2. Lower rent = more spending money
  3. Vacations - I think we took 5 major vacations this summer to get away and all of them turned out to be great times with family and friends.
  4. Maintenance men - I call and they come fix anything.
  5. No visitors means no cleaning. I think I can honestly say I have really enjoyed not picking up so much, it helps that there is no place to put it once it gets picked up.
5 Worst things

  1. No dog door - walking the dog 4 or more times a day and picking up her poop has been crappy.
  2. Kitty litter - not only do we have a kitty litter inside now (thanks to the no dog door), but its in the laundry closet which is in the kitchen. I can honestly say that I never want to have this problem again. Oh and the cat's food is in the boys bathroom on the counter - eewww, gross.
  3. "Where's my _______?" And the answer to this question is always - "In storage, in the back where you can't get to it."
  4. Lack of space - I was able to get the biggest apt. I could find and thank goodness for that because everyday it feels like it shrinks a little.
  5. Noise, cars and privacy - car headlights peering in your window at 2am, noisy dogs barking at all times. Not having a garage has been a major adjustment getting the kids in and out of the parking lot safely.

Here is the scorpion that I almost touched one day while reaching for the remote control. Shortly after killing this one, I found another alive one on the way to Cody's room.

The boys helping me sand the new baby's furniture on our patio.

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